When you start with Datapact, you choose the shortest route to data-driven decision making. A path without much theory, but with resources that make it easy to use data effectively.
The program consists of three modules. Module 1 lays a solid foundation. Focus is on the entire team. All members are challenged to create the best conditions for data-driven decision-making. Modules 2 and 3 focus on the team's KPI owners; they are helped to draw up dashboard specifications, and to create a KPI management plan… and implement it
All modules are designed for any type of employee or team, regardless of department or level. Datapact Team is the foundation. After that, each KPI-owner should decide whether he / she also needs Datapact Design and / or Datapact Action.
Once employees and teams have completed Datapact, they know what is expected, who is responsible for which KPI, what information is needed for KPI-management, and how each KPI-owner intends to achieve his / her target.
Because all steps are smartly streamlined, the workload is limited: a commitment of only 2 days per month will be sufficient to become data-driven within 3 to 6 months.
Participants investigate the data-driven maturity of their team: what is the status and what is missing? Not only technically, but also in terms of people and organization. From these insights, participants translate their team goals and responsibilities into KPIs and KPI-owners, and learn to manage the right support from IT, HRM and management. Finally, all insights and decisions are recorded in a datapact: a shared foundation for data-driven decision-making.
KPI owners learn about the possibilities and difficulties of dashboarding. They gain a better understanding of IT and realize that good dashboards only come from good specifications. That is why they are challenged to properly analyze their KPIs to determine which information is needed and in what form. For example, they work on good specifications with which IT can immediately develop a suitable dashboard.
KPI owners are prepared for a data-driven future, in which they effectively manage their KPIs using data. They are challenged to set good targets - together with their stakeholders. And they create a KPI management plan to actually achieve these targets. After this, every KPI owner is ready for data-driven decision-making.
Take the test, learn how data-driven your team is and discover how to grow further.
PS: The test is also part of Datapact.
per person
Teams work on their own datapact in which they record and agree on their goals, milestones, KPIs, KPI-owners and data-driven conditions.
Insight into your data-drive
Awareness of potential
KPIs and KPI owners
6 days per person
Lead time: 3 months
per person
Optional module specifically aimed at KPI-owners who need to specify what information and dashboards they need to manage their KPI.
Review current cockpit
Fishbone diagram
Dashboard specifications
2 days per person
Lead time: 1 month
per person
Optional sequel. In this module, KPI-owners set KPI-targets and create their plans for data-driven decision-making.
KPI targets
Method of monitoring
KPI management plan
2 days per person
Lead time: 1 month
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