Learn the data-driven maturity of your organization and how to improve

Data-Driven Maturity Test

Dear decision-maker,

How data-driven is your organization? Is all business value extracted from your data? Should this be improved? For many organizations, it can be difficult to answer these questions quickly. So, to decide on your data-driven maturity, you could use a test which helps you to get a complete overview of the five different data-maturity phases. That is why Zight Academy has developed the Data-Driven Maturity Test!

By doing our free online test, you will learn how data-driven your organization is. In approximately five minutes you will find out what your data-driven maturity is. Also, the test helps you decide which level of data-driven maturity your organization should reach and how you can get there! After you have finished the test, we will send you a complete overview of your results. This report contains descriptions of the five phases and how you score on the categories linked to every phase. Furthermore, the report describes the five steps you might take to improve your data-driven maturity!

If you want to know do the test, use this link: Data Driven Maturity Test

If you already know your result and need help getting to your desired data-driven maturity, find more information on the Zight Academy Training & Transition Program here.

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